Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cheat List

To open up the cheat box press CTRL+SHIFT+C. The box will come out across the top of the screen. Type in the cheat code and enter. Types expand to expand/contract cheat box and exit to exit cheat box. The use of capitalization will not effect the cheats.

*Some of the cheats listed are EP required. Please check the compatibility.

Movie Making Cheats


Eliminates the plumbbob, which is the green diamond above the Sims head

showHeadlines [on/off]

Eliminates the speech bubbles and relationship points

slowMotion [0-10]

Slows down the game speed with 0 being normal speed and 10 being the slowest speed. Please note the cheat only slows down the game play and not in the playback of recorded clips.

AllMenus [on/off]

Makes rare interactions available. Please refer to JD Movies tutorial on how to activate the option.

BoolProp ControlPets [on/off]

Allows you to control pets’ behavior to a certain degree

Build Cheats

moveObjects [on/off]

Allows you to pick up and move objects that are normally un-selectable

boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation [true/false]

Allows you to rotate an object at 45 degree angle. Use < and > to rotate.

boolProp snapObjectsToGrid [true/false]

Allows you to place objects without being constrain by the square

roofslopeangle [15-75]

Changes the roof slope angle

setHighestAllowedLevel [level]

Allows you to build floors higher than 5 levels. You must build something at the current top floor before the next floor will go up.

boolprop constrainFloorElevation [true/false]

Allows you to change elevation of floor tiles

Gameplay Cheats


Adds 1000 simoleans


Adds 50,000 simoleons

FamilyFunds [FamilyName] [amount]

Allows you change the amount of simoleans a family has in the neighborhood view. For example if you want the Mortimer family to have 100,000 enter: FamilyFunds Mortimer 100000

setHour [0 - 23]

Changes the hour of the day according to 24 hours clock


Unlocks the career reward items for selected Sims


Maximize the Sims needs

motiveDecay [on/off]

Locks the motives at whatever level they were at the time you activated the cheat

aspirationLevel [0-5]

Allows you to choose the aspiration level for the selected Sims

lockAspiration [on/off]

Locks the aspiration of the selected Sims at whatever level they were at the time you activated the cheat

aspirationPoints [amount]

Adds aspiration points of selected Simsthat needed to purchase aspiration rewards

aging [on/off]

Allows you to stop aging

boolProp testingCheatsEnabled [true/false]

The master cheat that allows you to change the variables in the game.


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